Miss L Bailey
- I have a dog named Ella.
- My favourite colour is blue.
- I love to travel and go on holiday.
Miss E Bradley
- I have a dog.
- I enjoy swimming and netball
- I love to travel.
Miss R Burgess
- I have two beautiful daughters, who keep me very busy at home.
- In my spare time I enjoy running and doing crafts with my daughters.
- My first choice of restaurant would be anywhere with Thai and Vietnamese food!
Mrs F Burnett
- I am a bit of a daredevil. Over the years, I have done scuba-diving, white-water rafting, gliding, parachuting, parascending and paragliding.
- I love Galaxy chocolate!
- I adore travelling. I have inter-railed around Europe, visited many cities in America, Australia and New Zealand.
Mrs V Davison
- When I have spare time, I enjoy being outdoors with my family, particularly visiting various National Trust sites.
- One of my favourite past times is to experiment with cooking a wide variety of meals that my family pretend to enjoy.
- Although I try hard to stay fit by running and going to the gym, I also love curling up on the sofa with a DVD and a bar of chocolate.
Mrs H Dickins
- I love making memories with my son Archie.
- I have recently got married in Cyprus.
- I love going on holidays with my family.
Mrs L Ettridge
- I have a black Labrador called Kayla who loves to swim!
- I enjoy playing hockey every Saturday for the Atherstone Adders.
- I love visiting the Lake District.
Mrs O Eyitayo
- I am married with two boys.
- My maiden name is Abimbola.
- I have two brothers and two sisters.

Mr A Fellows
- I love Wolves Speedway.
- I support Wolverhampton Wanderers.
- My hobby is long distance running and I have done a marathon and a 40 mile run!!!
Mrs C Fitzgerald
- I have 2 house bunnies.
- I love superhero movies.
- Chocolate is my favourite food.
Mrs L Foster
- I love sport, my favourite is netball.
- I enjoy going to the cinema with friends.
- I look forward to the challenges that each new year brings.
Mrs A Halkett
- I am now many years into my teaching career at Battling Brook and have loved every minute! My favourite subjects to teach are English, Science and E-safety.
- I enjoy travelling and have visited many interesting countries and cities around the world. My favourites include: Thailand, Malaysia, New York, Paris and, although it is closer to home, The Lake District.
- I am inspired by JK Rowling and would one day love to write my own book. My dream car would be an Aston Martin Vanquish – let’s hope I win the lottery sometime soon!
Mrs S Imber
- When I am not teaching here, I can usually be found in a cleaning frenzy at home (there are no crumbs allowed in the Imber house!)
- I have three boys (hence the cleaning), so am very busy running around after them and trying to avoid stepping on pieces of Lego! We love to go on holidays and our favourites are the Isle of Wight and Devon. We are yet to all go on a plane so are saving for a big exciting holiday in the next few years!
- I am a big food fan. I love baking, cooking and could eat cheesy pizza all day long.
Miss K Jackson
- I enjoy gardening, although I'm not very green fingered.
- I like to paddleboard and go clay pigeon shooting.
- I love visiting National trust properties and going for walks.
Mrs G Johnson
- In my spare time, I love cooking, reading and walking with my husband and two children.
- Skye, who is a Border Collie, is my beautiful pet dog.
- My favourite subject is maths because I like finding interesting ways to solve number problems.
Miss M Jones
- My favourite Disney film is Toy Story; my two dogs are called Buzz and Woody.
- I want to visit the Caribbean and explore all the islands.
- I really like chocolate!
Miss H Khan
- I can speak three languages fluently. Sometimes I even confuse myself when trying to find the right word!
- My favourite place is my home. I like to spend my free time sipping Earl Grey tea and reading.
- I like walking and keeping fit with yoga.
Ms T Kingdon
- Pablo, my gorgeous cross-breed, is often mistaken for a girl as he looks like he is wearing make-up.
- Once, I was rescued from the sea after being swept away whilst surfing.
- In my spare time, I enjoy creating works of art using a variety of media.
Miss K Lees
- I have a dog and a horse, who keep me very busy.
- I love travelling and visiting new countries.
- I enjoy running and try to get to lots of races at the weekend.
Miss E Love
- I love baking! My favourite thing to bake is a mouth-watering Victoria Sponge.
- I adore Harry Potter, and would love to go on the Studio Tour.
- My favourite season is summer.
Mrs A Munnik
- I adore the summer and my favourite activity is going on a sunny holiday. However, I don’t manage to see many sights as I am permanently sitting in the sun with a fabulous book in my hand.
- I have a great appreciation for all food, but my heart really lies with a bag of Cheetos.
- I absolutely love watching Say Yes to the Dress as I prepare for my upcoming wedding (if you catch me chatting it will most likely be wedding related)
Mrs K Pickering
- I like chocolate.
- I enjoy doing zumba dancing.
- I love anything that is sparkly and pink!
Mrs L Prince
- Much of my time is spent with my family. I have a daughter and a son, and we love to spend time going for walks, watching movies and reading together.
- One of my favourite things to do is exercise! In my spare time, I will usually be found at the gym.
- Since being a child, I have loved to read and my absolute favourite thing to do is to lose myself in a good book. My all-time favourite books are the Harry Potter series, though.
Mrs S Rhodes
- I am married and have a little boy called Jamie.
- I have a rescue dog named Penny.
- I love shopping!
Miss H Simpson
- I have been horse riding since I was seven years old, and would love to have my own horse one day.
- I love going on holiday anywhere sunny.
- I enjoy listening to music.
Mrs C Skyte
- I LOVE the Lake District - my husband and I even got married on a mountain in full wedding dress attire in 2021!
- My hobbies include walking our dog Isla, mountain hiking, reading, kayaking, biking, watching films and spending time on holiday in our caravan.
- My favourite lessons to teach have got to be English and Art.
Mrs L Sugg
- Sitting by the fire with a hot chocolate is my favourite thing to do.
- I love going on holiday; I prefer colder climates, but I do love a good festival!
- When I was younger, I received a choral scholarship, but now I avoid singing at all costs!
Miss Weed
- I spent ten amazing years working at an international school in Qatar, where I got to travel to some amazing places and soak up all kinds of culture.
- When I'm not working, you'll usually find me lost in a book - I love to read.
- I'm a big fan of the theatre and love a trip to musicals whenever I can.
Mrs J White
- I live in a bungalow with my husband, daughter, two sons and our dog - Humbug!
- We love going for walks and taking trips to the seaside.
- I love playing football, and I'm very proud to be a part of a woman's football team.
Mrs S Woodcock
- Running is my favourite sport. One day, I would like to run a marathon!
- I absolutely love drinking tea (especially with a biscuit).
- My son and I enjoy visiting the farm and feeding the animals.
Mrs L Woodward
- I am married with two young children.
- My passion is travel. I love to discover new places to visit and enjoy eating a range of different food from different parts of the world.
- I love to cook and to get lost in a book!